Sunday, December 2, 2012


I'm still slacking, I know, I know.  My intentions were to make an all-inclusive BMT Bible on here, but BMT feels so far away, I hardly remember it - just sort of a stressful blur.  I went near Lackland the other day on my way to Brandon's families house for Thanksgiving, and I think I got a major case of PTSD.  I was looking behind all the giant planes as we were driving by for TSgt Anderson and Tsgt Berry to yell at me for being near a male.  I need to go there for Christmas shopping for souvenirs but I'm so freaking out I'd see one of them at the BX and I'd pass out from fear or something, hahah.

Alright, alright, BMT wasn't THAT bad.  I actually liked my instructors.  Just had a healthy amount of fear toward them (which they like to call respect in the mlitary).  I guess I just don't really know what people want to know about BMT!  I have a notebook that I used as a journal there but I doubt y'all wanna know what female I was fixin' to strangle on the daily or about the blisters on my feet.

But that's all I can think of to write.  Writers block, you know.  I have some lunch and some laundry calling my name.  Cya!